
Pace University

Seidenberg School of Computer Science and Information Systems

Pforzheimer Honors College

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science 2017-2021 with Honors

Concentration in Full-Stack Development with a Major GPA of 3.78

Benjamin N. Cardozo High School

High School 2013-2017 with Honors

Robotics Team Division Captain


Freelance Software Developer

Consulting and Solutions

2013 — present

  • Worked with various clients and partners to design, create, and consult on software, services, and tools.
  • Designed, built, and maintained a number of full-stack websites for clients.
  • Contributed to Open Source

Seidenberg Creative Labs

Project Manager

September 2020 — May 2021

  • Lead a team of developers to build a website for Seidenberg Creative Labs. Held stand-ups and sprints, gave technical guidance, and ensured team members weren't facing roadblocks or behind schedule.
  • Implemented lint checking, Typescript, code reviews, component isolation, and fixed various render bugs.

Software Engineer

September 2020 — May 2021

  • Worked on a team to create a GPS-guided quiz game and tour through Manhattan to various locations visited by Alexander Hamilton in React Native for iOS and Android devices. Gave various technical advice, implemented a timed quiz handler, and fixed UI scaling across devices amongst other things.
  • Worked on a team to create a health centric fitness application using Flutter and Dart on client company's proprietary peer-to-peer encrypted network.

BNCHS Robotics Program

Mentor & Software Engineering Consultant

June 2017 - Present

  • Built and currently managing front and back end of high-functionality website that allows students to check attendance over the Google Sheets API, apply for scholarships, review holds, interact with resources, update site information with permission-based actions, etc. in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, NodeJS, and MongoDB.
  • Built a python/ubuntu-based robot controller to reduce the costs of purchasing expensive legacy and proprietary hardware.
  • Leading after-school classes teaching High School students advanced computer science concepts, pertaining to vision processing, optimization, motion profiling, etc.

Lead Software Engineer

2015 - 2017

  • Lead after-school classes teaching High School students intermediate Java.
  • Managed teams of students oriented towards implementing various robot subsystems and other management tasks.
  • Programmed 120lb robots in Java to compete in FIRST™ Robotics competitions, completing various tasks autonomously and controller-operated with strict deadlines.
  • Implemented Git Version Control and CI/CD to review and manage student contribution to robot updates.
  • Implemented real-time off-board vision processing and target object tracking using Java and OpenCV allowing robots to identify, target, and interact with specific goals.


Seidenberg Creative Labs

  • The Seventeenth Annual Pace Pitch Contest - Ludos Mercatos — Finalists (2021)
  • Pace Mobile App Design Contest 2021 - Ludos Mercatos — Winners (2021)
  • @Appathon Competition - atHealth — Winners (2020)

FIRST™ Robotics Competition

  • SBPLI Long Island Regional #2 Competition — Finalists (2019)
  • Hudson Valley Rally Competition — Finalists (2017)
  • New York City Regional Competition — Rookie Inspiration Award (2015)
  • Brunswick Eruption Off-Season Competition — Future Glory Award (2015)

ARISTA Honors Society

Benjamin N. Cardozo High School (2016, 2017)

  • Participated in various school events and raised money for Lymphoma through Pennies for Patients.
  • Graduated with a 3.5+ GPA

Achievements in STEM

Benjamin N. Cardozo High School (2017)

  • Awarded by the Benjamin N. Cardozo High School Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) for achievements in Robotics and spreading STEM throughout the school and community.

HackAttack 2018

24 Hour Hackathon hosted by Queens College (2018)

  • Finalist for the Community Connected challenge. Lead developer on team that developed RePixel, an incentivized geocaching recycling application. Presented to a panel of IBM judges.

Gaming for Global Change

Non-profit Organization (2016, 2017)

  • Participated in various Gaming for Global Change events with staff, raising significant sums of money for Charity: Water and other non-profit organizations.
Michael Rooplall © 2025